Friday, June 20, 2008

Ozzie sojourn

My Oz experience was marked by an Amy Tannic discovery. Started off with the Joy Luck Club. I found it so good that I found it appropriate to give away as a wedding gift to my best friend. I still have to get myself a new copy though. I gave her my copy of Bread and Chocolate as well. It is again a very delightful book; a set of short stories by Phillipa Gregory. I have been unable to find a second copy for myself since. (Hmm... Note to self.. Must check for it in NJ..)

The next Amy Tan I bought was the Hundred Secret Senses. However in true bibliophilic spirit of gluttony I started it along with Rushdie's Midnight's Children and postponed completing either (Been two years now). I managed to finish her Saving Fish from Drowning on time, although I bought it much later. It was prolly because I was in GOC with nothing to do except squat mosquitoes!! I love Tan's simple prose and real people in almost real situations. Next on my list is The Kitchen God's Wife (100 Secret Senses pushed way down the list). But that will be only when I get back to dear old delhi. Till then its Bryson and Umberto Eco for me.


david santos said...

I loved this post and this blog.
Happy day

shazzer said...

Wow.. You just made my weekend.. :).. Have a great time there..